Supreme Master TV WebTV Online TV Channel Station.
Supreme Master Television is a worldwide, non-profit online TV channel, broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at Our station acts as a harmonious bridge of understanding and appreciation of our world’s magnificent cultures, airing to an ever-increasing and loyal international audience.
Name: Supreme Master TV / SMTVGenres: ReligionLanguage: Chinese English Arabic Vietnamese Bulgarian Korean Croatian French German Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Malay Mongolian Nepali Persian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Czech Telugu ThaiCountry: Taiwan 🇹🇼, United States 🇺🇸Headquarters: Los Angeles, CaliforniaOwner: SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONWebsite: https://suprememastertv.comLive Streaming: Supreme Master TV Live StreamingVideo Streaming: Youtube Channel